So Be It

So Be It

Musings of the Artists Mind

The meticulous pre-planner took his daily “she-loves-me-she-loves-me-not” daisy and instead of waiting for the mystery to reveal itself in the plucking of the petals, he counted them and got his answer from the universe. What pushed him to do this? He says it was the obvious gap in the petals that made him think it would end negatively and he also admitted that the flaw added immense beauty to the flower, similar to the flaws he refused to voice about the object of his desire. In the end, he decided that he didn’t need the universe to tell him what he felt. He felt attraction to her special beauty and would hold it forward to his heart and leave all the rest in the darkness behind. 

Look! A Squirrel! Design your world with The Artist’s Stuff: Prints, Fashion, and uniquely awesome Decor ideas!

What inspires an artist? 

“All they see” is the first and most literal answer. 

For me, that is literally hundreds of gallery & museum exhibits, thousands of books, and tens of thousands of images online.

Books that Inspired and Influenced my Experimentation:

Here we have to give homage to my kings of imagery. While I cannot claim to compare myself to them, they continue to inspire my view of the world.

Ansel Adams for extending the imagination though light and shadow.

Georgia O’Keefe for painting macros and driving the eye into incredible landscapes.

Andrew Wyeth for adding a dusting of serenity to all he painted and giving a craving for tea whenever I see his work. 

Pablo Picasso for always coming to the purity of the image by often outrageous routes.

These are perhaps the most accessible influences, but the truth is that my influences run deep through thousands of books and works I’ve seen & read. If you have the time, you are free to visit my GoodReads library to see a fraction of the books I’ve read. These are the ones I remember, that is. Or you can visit the ever growing collection on my Pinterest account & My ViewBug site, and at Arts M.Perron.


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