“Feel the feeling, but don’t become the emotion. Witness it. Allow it. Release it.” By Crystal Andrus

Tie this one into the saying: “What we resist, persists.” It’s a law of attraction thing. When we resist a feeling, we are putting emotional anergy on it and that will attract more of what we are focusing energy on. 

“Feel the feeling, but don’t become the emotion.” Imagine it this way. When something that evokes sadness in you occurs, don’t say “I am sad”; say “I have sad feelings”. This is a neurolinguistic programming concept in play. Anthony Robbins is the master of this theory, as far as I know. Accepting that something has happened and evokes feelings is an important step in moving through it. However, identifying with that feeling, becoming it sets up a harder psychological link to break. Anytime we use “I am”, we build strong bonds to whatever that is. 

If you are not sure about this, them tell how would feel is I said to you: “You’re sad!” For that matter, and I doubt this is only me, but anytime someone accuses me of being an emotion, I get defensive. Well, maybe except being told I’m happy… nope, that too evokes some resistance. That’s a gut reaction and those tend to be true.

What I’m saying is that we are not emotions, we can only have them. Like all things we have, we can let them go in time. 

So, how are you feeling?

4 thoughts on “Thursday’s Thoughts #9: Feel it, don’t be it.

    1. Now that’s an interesting question!!!!
      I’m not sure is the short answer.

      I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on my artist process in my classes this semester and right now I feel my process starts with a fun exploration of materials, followed by listening to the piece as it forms and afterwards for the story it wants to tell.
      The emotional intention to have fun seems to infuse it with emotion up front, so I’m not sure how to remove myself emotionally from the artwork.

      If I understand your question , it’s how would I draw or make an artwork without emotional attachment? I don’t think I would want to.

      My gut reaction to making something I’m detached from joyfully still results in an emotion… frustration.

      Another thought just came to me on this regarding my process. Once the work is finished and I’ve told its story, I feel relieved of the attachment to it; not cut off, but instead of cited to let it go and find other stories to be told about it.

      Does that make sense?


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