“When you focus on you, you grow. When you focus on shit, shit grows. Read that again!” By Dwayne Johnson

The law of attraction teaches us that whatever we focus on will manifest itself. If you are unsure about the implications of this, you may want to meditate a little on it. Before you do, please let go of all judgement and recriminations. This isn’t an exercise to further put yourself down. I started doing this a couple of years ago and noticed very clear situations when I was thinking the worst about a scenario and got exactly what I thought about. Granted, I’m still working of seeing the patterns for the positive manifestations, but that is more due to a long time habit of looking at the dark side of things. Awareness of this habit is also bringing change.

Awareness isn’t focus, just to be very precise, awareness is about acknowledging a feeling or thought and letting it go on its merry (or miserable) way. Focus is an action state, but first one must allow themselves to become aware of the thought and feeling. How you choose to react, and you are fully empowered to choose that, is up to you. Focus on the outcome you really want. That is the first act in manifesting it. The rest is only as easy or difficult as you choose it to be. Take the first step, then let go a little, then take the second step. The inspiration for the second step will come when you let go of the first. I wish I could give you an exact roadmap for how you will overcome yourself, but I can’t. I can only give you a roadmap to my progress. Each of us is very different. We are each made up of our unique life experiences. You have to focus only on yourself for this to work. You must try to focus on who you are right now and do so without judgement. Your self-awareness will grow and and so will you.

What have you been focusing on?

13 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Triumphs #11: Reap what you sow

  1. Great article and motivating quote! I think I might have been focusing too much on what others might think but it is changing:) I recently started a blog called searchingforconfidence.wordoress.com and I would love to invite you to have a read! That would be amazing, all the best

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Naaiba.
      It’s a journey for sure. I’m still resisting certain concepts and mindsets, but I am increasingly more aware of them. that’s allowing me to consider and implement alternative patterns.

      I hope you don’t mind, but could you please reply with your blog address again? The link you typed in doesn’t seem to work.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Honestly, the ambiance is so nice in Lebanon now and the strikes are like a huge party. We are happy but I’m focusing on rationalizing all this. I know it doesn’t answer directly your post but sometimes euphoria can be harmful

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Funny you should mention that. My sister-in-law just got back from Lebanon and said things are rough. I got her opinion second hand, but what amazes me is what she focused on. Her perspective is influenced by her experience.
        More proof!?!
        What we focus on, is what we see and experience.

        Liked by 1 person

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