“Sometimes you have to experience what you don’t want in life to come to a full understanding of what you do want.” From The Age of Enlightenment 

You may not want to agree with this, but we need to have the dark to know it’s different from the light. While part of this concept does seem to contradict what I understand about the law of attraction, in that focusing on what we don’t want will only bring more of it. However, it teaches us an important lesson. You have to allow yourself to become aware of what you don’t want, acknowledge it, be grateful for its lesson, and let it go. Look at the opposite of whatever that was and if it feels like what you do want, focus on that instead. 

I have often struggled to answer when asked what I want. That struggle was so frustrating that I knew it was definitely something I didn’t want. It was only when I learned to accept what I didn’t want that I could let it go and see more clearly what I wanted instead. Now, if I don’t like or want something, I look for the opposite. I let go of why I don’t want it. My energy is best spent where I want to be. 

What do you want?

3 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Triumphs #14: That kinda sucked, but it kinda didn’t too

    1. It will find its own peace in the hearts of all who want and practice a personal peace. All peace and happiness start from within ourselves. That is the only locus of control we have. If we live our peace and happiness, it radiates out, attracts and inspires others to live the same way.


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