17 thoughts on “Gallery

    1. Dear Mario Perron,

      I concur with Harbans! Thank you very much for sharing your artistic philosophy and ethos with us so lucidly. I particularly like the following:

      Artist’s Statement
      I think artists are like scientists.
      Just like a scientist, we begin with a question, something we don’t know.
      We go into our studio and research that question.
      We bring with us a chaos of ideas and influences, combined with a basket of materials and skills. Art focuses them all into a singular result.

      Perhaps you can create a parallel version of my following image for artists:

      Liked by 3 people

      1. My gratitude to you for giving valuable comments.

        The artists are the creams of any society who analyse anything and everything taking into account the natural settings, inner recesses of our mind, add a dose of spirituality to make it magnetic along with past experiences of our seers and artists of yore.

        Anybody who is creative in his/her way of transaction is an artist. I am of the opinion that everybody is artist but we have to draw out this talents from our inner self. 🙏🙏🙏

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Dear Harbans and Mario,

        Art can indeed make our lives more fulfilling and holistic, perhaps even more so now that the viral pandemic is all around us.

        Speaking of the sonic art of music, as we maintain spatial distancing and stay home to avoid contracting and spreading the coronavirus, please kindly allow me the pleasure to entertain you with a bespoke poem and music recently published in the multimedia post entitled 🎼🎹—THE—🎹—LAST—🎹—RAG—🎹🎵🎶, where the featured composition for solo piano can be enjoyed and studied in multiple formats available to you as the audio playbacks, the video captures of score with music, and the gallery of printable score sheets.

        The post is available for you to enjoy at http://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/the-last-rag/

        Since music can be an essential part of the process of sustainability, wellbeing, healing and even social change and spiritual awakening, may my music and poem in the said post bring you and your family some creative “distractions” or “diversions” amidst the disruptions and woes engendered by the pandemic.

        I look forward to receiving your feedback at the post there.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. The art has special relevance for us, a life bereft of art is barren and listless. We feel as though we are missing something special.

        Time though is hard due to Covid-19 pandemic but those who draw out something from within will never feel lonely in any situation and condition. Covid or no Covid, they will feel determined and jovial.

        Certainly your write-up is wonderful. Regards.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Dear Harbans,

        I am delighted to read your comment here. Thank you for your feedback and compliment. Given that your comment pertains to my post, I would really appreciate it if you could kindly leave your lovely comment in my post too at http://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/the-last-rag/

        You can simply copy and paste your comment and perhaps add more if you have something extra to say. Thank you in anticipation.

        Liked by 2 people

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