Through the labyrinthine alleys of time’s ancient scroll,

Where echoes of history’s whispers unfold,

Dwells a people, resilient, bold,

Palestine, land of stories untold.

Beneath olive trees, their roots deep in soil,

Lies the marrow of tales, hardship, and toil.

In the shadow of minarets, their songs arise,

A symphony of longing, under the sun’s guise.

From Canaan’s shores to Gaza’s sands,

Through conquests, displacements, enduring stands,

They’ve woven a tapestry, rich and profound,

Each thread a testament, resilience unbound.

In the breeze, whispers of prophets past,

Their words etched in hearts, steadfast and vast.

Jerusalem’s stones, witness to their plight,

Yet hope springs eternal, in the darkest of night.

Through centuries of struggle, they’ve held fast,

To the keys of homes, memories that last.

In the diaspora’s embrace, they carry their flame,

A legacy of resilience, etched in their name.

So let the world heed their narrative’s call,

Injustice undone, barriers fall.

For in the annals of time, their story unfurled,

Palestine’s people, a beacon to the world.

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