The dreamer with his precious instruments

A collector of melodies, a lover of sounds

Intricate designs and polished finishes

Each one a masterpiece, a true work of art

He displays them proudly, in full view

A tribute to the beauty of music

A reminder of his passion, his love

But the fear lingers deeper within

What if he’s not good enough, he wonders

What if his fingers fumble and fail

What if he can’t produce the magic

That he knows those instruments contain

And so the dreamer remains frozen

Unable to express the melodies within.

The instruments remain silent, untouched

As the dreamer battles his self-doubt

But still he clings to his frail hope

That one day he will find some courage

To unleash the music that lies within him

And let it soar, wild and free

For the dreamer dreams that the instruments

Are not just objects to be admired

But gateways to a world of magic and wonder

And releases fear to step through that door.

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