In the memories of olive groves, whispered tales unfold,

Where ancient stones cradle stories untold.

Beneath the gaze of the unyielding sun,

Palestine, your name echoes strong.

From the jasmine’s scent to the cypress’ sway,

In every breeze, memories gently play.

The land, a canvas painted with strife,

Yet, resilience blooms in every life.

Through orchards lush and fields of grain,

The spirit of the land, a silent refrain.

In the rhythm of footsteps upon its soil,

Echoes a history of courage and toil.

Beneath the canopy of stars so bright,

Palestine dreams through the darkest night.

A whispered prayer, a longing cry,

For freedom’s wings to soar on high.

In every stone, a story etched deep,

Of promises made, of dreams to keep.

For Palestine is more than land and stone,

It’s the heartbeat of a people, fiercely known.

In the dreams of olive trees, they stand,

Guardians of a sacred land.

With steadfast hope and unwavering pride,

Their bond with Palestine cannot be denied.

So let the poets sing and the dreamers dream,

Of a Palestine where rivers once more gleam.

For in the heart of every daughter and son,

Palestine and its people are forever one.

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