Upon the ancient hills of Palestine, they stand,

Where ancient olive trees whisper secrets to the wind,

And the sun kisses the earth with a fiery hand,

In this sacred land, where memories are pinned.

Their hearts beat in rhythm with the soil,

For there, their roots delve deep and intertwine,

In every stone, every grove, and every coil,

A story of resilience, a tale divine.

In the veins of that land, flows a river of history,

Carrying the echoes of voices, both young and old,

From the cries of joy to the tears of misery,

Every spec of earth, a story untold.

Though fences may rise, and walls may divide,

The bond between them cannot be torn asunder,

For in their hearts, the spirit of Palestine abides,

A flame of hope, a beacon of thunder.

They are the children of that ancient land,

Bound by a bond that time cannot sever,

In their struggle, united we all stand,

For Palestine, now and forever.

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