in each Palestinian’s heart beats a melody,

whispered through ancient family memories,

rhythms of living flow through veins

of oud strings and voices raised in song.

music, the most expressive anthem of life,

echoes through their street stones and bustling markets,

where joyful ouds strum hope into the night,

and darbukas echo like heartbeats of a their humanity,

our humanity.

in the cadence of a muezzin’s call,

harmonies weave tales of tradition and joy,

the minor keys offer reflection and lament

while the major chords of return us to joy.

from the diasporic homes to Jerusalem’s walls,

music speaks their language beyond borders,

in notes dancing with the wind,

as if their spirit is being sung into our consciousness.

for every silenced voice, a choir rises,

melodies carry memories across generations,

where songs are more than mere sounds,

they are invitations of identity and belonging.

from the land where olives grow like dreams,

music is the pulse of this people’s story,

each beat a testament to human character,

each note a prayer for peace and humanity.

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