Like alleys of ink and reverie,

Tales bloom amidst their quill’s decree,

Palestinian voices weave tapestries rare,

Their words the stars in literature’s lair.

Mahmoud Darwish, poet of celestial grace,

Crafts verses that transcend time and place,

In rhythms that echo through hearts and minds,

A symphony of longing, where hope unwinds.

Emile Habibi’s pen, with wry and probing light,

Unravels tales of humour and poignant insight,

Through characters vivid, tales of the absurd,

Navigating laughter and the human word.

Ghassan Kanafani, with narratives bold,

Maps out lives in stories untold,

In tales of exile, resistance, and pride,

Where each word becomes a revolutionary stride.

Susan Abulhawa, her prose a delicate art,

Weaves sagas of resilience, a beating heart,

In narratives that traverse oceans of pain,

Yet find in humanity a resilient refrain.

And Mourid Barghouti, who’s lyrical grace,

Spins memories into verses, of sacred space,

Where personal histories and dreams entwine,

In a melody of words, tender and divine.

So here in the realm where stories unfold,

Palestinian voices, in whispers and bold,

Illuminate the pathways of human plight,

Their literature a beacon, a guiding light

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