In popular discussions of rhetoric and strife,

Where histories unravel and narratives fight,

Hear Palestinian voices ripping through time,

To relate stories of truth and justice and light.

Not of barren sands or ancient groves,

But of resilience, steadfast and sure,

They sculpt futures from the clay of hope,

With clear hearts and dreams that endure.

In alleyways where shadows dance,

Their whispers blend with the evening air,

Stories woven in threads of resistance,

In every struggle, a testament of care.

From diaspora’s wide-reaching embrace,

To parliament’s resolute halls,

They wield pens mightier than swords,

Crafting justice’s intricate calls.

In the courtrooms of global discourse,

Their colours vibrant, their hues profound,

Each word a testament to perseverance,

Every statement, a promise unbound.

Beyond the confines of geopolitical maps,

Their narratives transcend earthly binds,

Out of the libraries of human striving,

Their indomitable legacy forever shines.

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