Designs of labyrinthine alleys on humanity’s spaces,

Echoes of geometric wisdom show their faces,

Palestinian architects, minds of time’s flow,

Craft visions from narratives that endlessly grow.

They build with whispers of cedar and stone,

Wielding impossibility in patterns unknown,

Arcane arcades weave tales in their stride,

Mosaics of thought, where identities abide.

From Gaza’s shores to Hebron’s vaulted heights,

They sculpt dreams through celestial nights,

In Beit Jala’s vineyards, Bethlehem’s streets,

Their hands trace futures where destiny meets.

Under vaults of memory, Jerusalem’s dome,

Symphonies of arches find their home,

Each column a testament to knowledge and grace,

Casting shadows of beauty, and resistant trace.

Through the warp of time, their narratives unfold,

In Beit Sahour’s courtyards, stories retold,

Crafting temples of soul and silhouette,

A testament to hearts that never forget.

So raise your eyes to the minaret’s ascent,

Where mathematics, mind, and spirit invent,

Cityscapes of calligraphy’s design,

Palestinian architecture, testament to the divine.

Discover more from The New Renaissance Mindset

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