Day 18 – January 29th, 2017

Have I ever told you about my “Rule of Three”? When curious things show up three times I stop, listen carefully, and try to figure out what the hell it all means. This practice has helped me take some interesting chances and accomplish some things I’m quite proud of. In retrospect, I have missed a few of these things, either by ignoring what has frightened me too much, or because I allowed myself to get distracted as a method of procrastination. I’m getting better every day at listening and trusting my instincts. Is my Rule of Three just about coincidences?


First, a few posts back (see day 9) I rambled to a conclusion that I want to return to teaching. Remembering why I loved teaching. How it became the only motivating part of any job I have ever done and became the non-negotiable condition for everything I do now, from writing to coaching, to marketing. I need to share what I know, and I need to get the intrinsic reward of the interaction that occurs only during the teaching-learning process for me.


Second, a few days ago, my journalist friend said they would like to interview me as a life coach. I told him I didn’t see myself as one. Despite having acquired certification as one, I don’t have a truly clear description in my mind os what a Life Coach is… I took the course to become a better communicator and a better teacher. I mentioned this to my friend and he replied that he actually feels the vocation of educator resonates more with what he knows of me.


Third, from time to time I feel compelled to use my Doreen Virtue Archangel Oracle Cards.  This morning the voice telling me to do it was very, very strong, so I did. The card that came up was one from Archangel Metatron telling me “You have to bond with children. In particular, you can help children who are sensitive.” The additional message was “Your life purpose involves helping and teaching children… You can help ensure their bright future and I will help you.” He talked about educating adults about healthy alternatives, so they could help their kids, and that help the kids retain and amplify their psychic abilities. Getting chills yet?

Well, it gets better! I really can’t ignore this, because it seems to have gone beyond my rule of three to seven… 


Fourth, my amazing daughter was having a down moment this morning. I tried to give her some constructive criticism and realized it may have been a little rough, so I explained it a different way. I looked for and found the silver lining in it all, and helped her find her understanding of the silver lining. Then it happened, I was compelled to share with her that I believed she was destined to change the world, and I’m not even sure it was me speaking what came out next, but a teachable moment happened and she left the car, held held high and brimming with confidence and love, ready to tackle her French comprehension mid-term. I just helped a sensitive child and I am so grateful it was my kid! We’re not done yet!


Fifth, in this morning’s medley of inspiring Ted talks, the unifying theme was education, the strongest being by Rita Pierson: “Every kid needs a champion.” Her amazing perspectives on the teacher-learner dynamic and how it is all about relationships… connection! Well, isn’t that the theme of a compliment one of my clients gave me as to why she wants to do business with me? And, when I finish all my meetings with “How can I help you more?” she said, I had already given her so much and she is happy to work with me. Can I interpret that as I was a good teacher for her? I felt I learned so much about her and her passions, just by listening… Is that what my journalist friend meant when he said the title educator fits me?


Finally, or at least at the point which I am writing this article, my wife came home from meeting a prospective client and told me with great passion how inspiring this person was. She explained to me that this remarkable lady helped children in the poorest districts of Cambodia, by building and supporting schools there. My astonishing wife shared with me that this is something she sees herself doing too. She then told me about some local schools here in Roxboro, which are the poorest in our province that welcome volunteers to help give out food baskets, teach after-school programs, and help the kids in need. She then said this is where she wanted to start and to volunteer with our daughter as well. I smiled, said little and thought very loudly: “I’M ALL IN ON THAT!


It is with immense gratitude that I thank the universe, my higher power, God, and my guardian angel Metatron for this purpose. While I still don’t have a specific plan for teaching, nor do I really know how it will manifest, nor where it will take me. I am deeply comforted with the knowledge that I have finally realized something I love to do and that it will be part of whatever accomplishments I realize in my life.


So, I reach out to all of you with this desire and passion for teaching, and I let you know I am ready to help. How can I help you today?

ps: another sign just popped up in my emails… a position for a Guidance Counsellor at my college.

It requires a Masters Degree, as is the new law here in Quebec for working in any teaching capacity at college, so on that I don’t qualify. However, if you feel passion, experience, and attitude are valid qualifications, then please follow your heart, and the link, and send an email on my behalf c/o the Dean of Student Services @ .

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