Weekend Book Reviews: “Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold” by Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry's "Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold" is a captivating journey into the ancient Greek world of gods, heroes, and legendary creatures. With his characteristic wit and narrative flair, Fry revitalizes the timeless stories of Greek mythology, making them accessible and engaging for modern readers. The book is structured as a series of tales that … Continue reading Weekend Book Reviews: “Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold” by Stephen Fry

Weekend Book Reviews: “Mythology” by Edith Hamilton

Edith Hamilton's "Mythology" stands as a timeless testament to the enduring power of ancient myths and legends. Originally published in 1942, this book has since become a classic reference for anyone interested in Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology. Hamilton, with her meticulous research and elegant prose, presents a comprehensive compilation of myths that not only … Continue reading Weekend Book Reviews: “Mythology” by Edith Hamilton