Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – FAQs

In their own words: Freedom Flotilla Frequently Asked Questions Looking for FAQs on the current mission?  Refer to the Break the Siege Fact Sheet. What is the Freedom Flotilla Coalition? The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is composed of civil society organizations and initiatives from many countries. We have been challenging the illegal and inhumane Israeli blockade of … Continue reading Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – FAQs

Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – A Human Approach

In their own words: Our Approach The Freedom Flotilla Coalition works to end the blockade of Gaza in multiple ways: We Challenge The Blockade – By sailing boats to Gaza, we show the world that the blockade is a form of collective punishment against civilians and a violation of internationally recognized rights to freedom of movement. Through … Continue reading Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – A Human Approach

Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – Mission 2024

In their own words: Our 2024 Freedom Flotilla Missions In October 2023, Israel intensified its genocidal policy toward Gaza by initiating indiscriminate bombing throughout the territory. Since that time, tens of thousands of civilians have been killed, hundreds of thousands face death from starvation and dehydration, and 90% of the population has lost their homes. … Continue reading Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – Mission 2024

Humanitarians – The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – Good Actions

In their own words: The Freedom Flotilla’s Handala will stop at European ports in Norway, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden in 2023 before setting off to Gaza in 2024. Local communities will organize events around the arrival of the boat to help share information about the situation in Gaza. We will also conduct … Continue reading Humanitarians – The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – Good Actions

Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – Who They Are

See: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition The Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) is a grassroots people-to-people solidarity movement composed of campaigns and initiatives from different parts of the world, working together to end the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza. In their own words: Our goals are: To break Israel’s more than 15 year illegal and inhumane blockade … Continue reading Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – Who They Are

A little good news — about energy for all It sounds like we really need a Tony Stark about now, but this is no arc reactor. Let's be honest, I have no idea what I'm talking about. All I know is the geek in me gets really excited about these kinds of scientific things!!! I've been hearing about the holy grail of energy … Continue reading A little good news — about energy for all

A little good news — good intentions do matter While not all good intentions have perfect results, we need to sometimes just take action. I know not everyone agrees with this, and I don't entirely agree either, but reacting from the heart must still count for something. We live in a world that is demanding political correctness in every human interaction, but we … Continue reading A little good news — good intentions do matter

‘Big Oil’ Now Promotes Renewable Energy – Wind & Solar Spur GROWTH In Fossil Fuel Energy Generation

‘Big Oil’ Now Promotes Renewable Energy – Wind & Solar Spur GROWTH In Fossil Fuel Energy Generation — Read on A must read!!!! #greentechnologies

Short-staffed RCMP look at lifting ban on recruits with criminal records | CBC News

The RCMP are taking a radical look at their recruitment strategy — including the possibility of ditching credit checks and allowing people with criminal backgrounds in — to help them rebuild their depleted ranks. — Read on Wow! This got my imagination going in all directions! Something about this feels connected to the fundamental … Continue reading Short-staffed RCMP look at lifting ban on recruits with criminal records | CBC News

Ready for the QCNA silent Auction!

I'm up at the beautiful Mont Gabriel Resort & Spa ( for the annual QCNA Gala. I'm so grateful to be able to help my dear friend Richard and support English local newspapers in Quebec by offering some artwork to their silent auction. The weather is gorgeous, the hotel is alive with people, and the … Continue reading Ready for the QCNA silent Auction!