Weekend Book Reviews: Paolo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”

Paolo Freire's seminal work, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," stands as a foundational text in the field of education, philosophy, and critical theory. Originally published in 1968, its influence continues to reverberate across disciplines, inspiring educators and activists alike with its radical critique of traditional pedagogical methods and its impassioned call for liberation through education. At … Continue reading Weekend Book Reviews: Paolo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”

Empowering Tomorrow’s Change-makers: Applying Critical Theory in Primary Education

Traduction française à suivre. / Traduccíon al español a seguir. / Seguirà la traduzione italiana. Critical theory principles and practices can be applied in primary schools today to foster a more inclusive, equitable, and socially just educational environment. Here's how, in my opinion: Critical Pedagogy: Critical pedagogy emphasizes questioning and challenging the status quo to … Continue reading Empowering Tomorrow’s Change-makers: Applying Critical Theory in Primary Education

Why I completed a Certificate in “Mindfulness for Children”.

I felt I could use a refresher on mindfulness and maybe get some additional lessons for my students out of it. I'm confident I got much more from it. I was able to connect Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Paolo Freire's co-learner teaching methodology, meditation, affirmations, law of attraction, Eckhart Tolle's teachings on being in the … Continue reading Why I completed a Certificate in “Mindfulness for Children”.