Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – A Human Approach

In their own words: Our Approach The Freedom Flotilla Coalition works to end the blockade of Gaza in multiple ways: We Challenge The Blockade – By sailing boats to Gaza, we show the world that the blockade is a form of collective punishment against civilians and a violation of internationally recognized rights to freedom of movement. Through … Continue reading Humanitarians: The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – A Human Approach

A little good news — about joy Sometimes the most direct idea is the most truthful... choose joy and give what you choose.

A little good news — good intentions do matter While not all good intentions have perfect results, we need to sometimes just take action. I know not everyone agrees with this, and I don't entirely agree either, but reacting from the heart must still count for something. We live in a world that is demanding political correctness in every human interaction, but we … Continue reading A little good news — good intentions do matter

Love – The Most Beautiful Topic To Teach

Book Review-Recommendation: Listening with My Heart: A story of kindness and self-compassion by Gabi Garcia Beautifully written.Beautifully illustrated.Excellent message for all ages: compassion isn't only about what we feel towards others, but equally as im portantly what we feel towards ouselves. It also wonderfully illustrates why we need to love ourselves. Follow Esperanza (Hope) as … Continue reading Love – The Most Beautiful Topic To Teach

The Reggio Way – An Old New-Vision for Education (Monday’s Movers)

Working in the Reggio Way: A Beginner's Guide for American Teachers by Julianne Wurm This should be a must read part of any teacher training course. It should also be part of management training courses at the MBA level. There is a great deal to be learned about problem solving and true collaboration from the way … Continue reading The Reggio Way – An Old New-Vision for Education (Monday’s Movers)

When Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I’m about to tell you a story of a very special person who probably will be a little embarrassed to know I’m telling it. You see, she does what she does out of a love and compassion that is inspirational to me. This genuine kindness is the happiness story I’m compelled to tell today. Every … Continue reading When Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Day 29 -What I Want To Do- 30 Days to Clearly Defining It

As promised, I want to continue on what I’ve experienced in doing the exercises from chapter 3 of The Renaissance Soul, Margaret Lobenstine. With the Many Circles exercise I needed to prioritize possible life goals from a list of 10 she supplied as most common. Here’s what I came up with… 1- Securing Finances 2- … Continue reading Day 29 -What I Want To Do- 30 Days to Clearly Defining It

Day 28 – What I Want To Do- 30 Days to Clearly Defining It

On day 2 I admitted being at a loss for what to write and I haven’t been without a topic since… until today. I feel that I’ve been a little off the last couple of days…. not sure what to do with this desire to write, where to aim the energy and uncertainty about what … Continue reading Day 28 – What I Want To Do- 30 Days to Clearly Defining It

Day 21 -What I Want To Do- 30 Days to Clearly Defining It

Do you ever get to the point that you forget where your inspirations come from? The other day, I woke up with an idea. I was going to give myself a new 30 day challenge and give a gift every day for 30 days. I jotted this idea down to write about it and I … Continue reading Day 21 -What I Want To Do- 30 Days to Clearly Defining It