Teacher Toolbox: Why I Completed a Course on Fundraising.

Center of Excellence - Online Courses in Professional Development Understanding how to properly do fundraising can be beneficial for public school teachers for several reasons: Supplemental Resources: Public schools often have limited budgets, and teachers may need additional resources to enhance their classroom activities. Fundraising can help bridge the gap by providing funds for supplies, … Continue reading Teacher Toolbox: Why I Completed a Course on Fundraising.

My Ongoing Creative Conundrum

Ok, daydreaming is now a good thing. CHECK 👍 Thank you, Abraham-Hicks! I've been a guilty master of this practice all my life and I won't feel guilty about it anymore! Well, that's my intention. Onto the next overthought... The moment I started accepting this freedom, I started rethinking what I want to do creatively... … Continue reading My Ongoing Creative Conundrum

The Folkish Art Deco Lamp – Part 1

Am I Folk Art or Art Deco? This big guy has the most wonderfully hideous macrame shade over the metal cage you see here. If you can possibly imagine it, the macrame was torn and tattered, and covered with what looked like an old apron turned into a lamp-shade cozy. It was quite the sight … Continue reading The Folkish Art Deco Lamp – Part 1

TV Diner With A Side Of Colour – Part 1

TV Diners... Re-Inspired! This seems like a very simple project to get done, but I am having one heal of a time deciding on the colours. The wood is still in very nice condition and it seems a shame to cover this beautiful grain. The question is to I stain it, or just wax it? … Continue reading TV Diner With A Side Of Colour – Part 1

The Well-Traveled Trunk – Part 1

Imagine The Travels This Truck Has Taken... Considering the humour and wit of the donor of this amazing find, I can well imagine it's seen quite a bit. The world, in fact. What can I do with such a storied piece that will allow it to see so much more? At first thought, I imagined … Continue reading The Well-Traveled Trunk – Part 1

Mid-Century Cabinet of Curiosities – Part 1

The Perfect Mid-Century Must Have! The angels who donated this piece to the cause were the sweetest father and son team I've met to date. Both named Ronald, both as Scottish as can be imagined, and by this I mean they were both larger than life! Ronald senior added a level of joy to this … Continue reading Mid-Century Cabinet of Curiosities – Part 1

This Old Apothecary Cabinet Project – Part 1

The Find that found me! Ok, so I've wanted to work on a metal cabinet for quite some time now and in a recent dig, this meal apothecary cabinet nearly jumped out at me from under a pile of odds and ends. With very little rust, almost no denting, and the hardware all intact, i … Continue reading This Old Apothecary Cabinet Project – Part 1

“We are in quite a pickle, aren’t we, Samwise old boy?”

Can I continue going this way? I've been building up my stock of new refurbished furniture and hope to start on new designs of lamps, lighting fixtures, and miscellaneous decor items and ideas. Of course, I want to sell all this stuff, that's why I build the website for Found - The Repurposed Design Company. … Continue reading “We are in quite a pickle, aren’t we, Samwise old boy?”

Angel Investor Wanted – Please Apply Here

Why I'm Sooooooooooo Ready for an Angel Investor! Today I received an email from a kind person downsizing their home. They saw a wanted ad I posted on Kijiji for old furniture. In truth, I've posted a few ads like this asking people to reach out for the stuff they don't want. I'd rather try … Continue reading Angel Investor Wanted – Please Apply Here

An Angel Spoke To Me This Morning…

An angel spoke to me this morning through a series of Instagram posts. What she/he told me was in order to allow financial wealth into my life, I must let go of my current mindset towards asking for money. I must replace the association of 'earning' to money and replace it with the mindset of … Continue reading An Angel Spoke To Me This Morning…